Au pairs in Italy: how the programme works 

What are au pairs  Doing a placement as an au pairs in Italy can be a great way to experience new things and try your hand at living in a foreign country. An au pair is a person aged between …

Destination wedding on Maggiore Lake: i professionisti a cui rivolgersi 

Why choose a wedding planner Choosing a destination wedding on Maggiore Lake will make everything more magical. Organising your wedding, however, is certainly exciting, but it can also be difficult and stressful. It involves months of planning, planning and organising. …

Hunting in Ireland: how to prepare 

What is hunted in Ireland  Like Scotland, Ireland is an ideal wintering ground for woodcock and snipe due to its mild winter climate and natural habitat of woodlands, bogs and conifer plantations. Wild broom, rhododendrons, peat cotton and heather, as …

Barley wines online: where to buy them

How to choose the right wine for every occasion Choosing a good wine is entirely subjective. The way each person defines a good wine is unique to them and their taste buds. Whether you prefer delicate, strong, sweet, sour or …

Private jewellery class in Florence: professionals to turn to 

Which gems to choose  In the world of gems, certain precious stones are more suitable for making jewellery. The most famous and widely used are sapphires, emeralds, rubies and diamonds. But there are many others beneath the earth’s surface that …

Private tours in Rome: discovering the eternal city without stress 

Discovering the Capital  With private tours in Rome you can discover all the wonders that the Eternal City holds. Rome has always been a magical city by definition and each of its districts has a story to discover. Among the …